Top 10 LambdaTest alternatives with Zebrunner on top

Cloud platforms allow to execute thousands of different test scenarios on multiple devices, and test the apps for functionality, performance, and UI rapidly. LambdaTest helps to perform browser & app testing across more than 3000 browsers, operating systems, and devices. No doubt you are already familiar with this solution and are looking for alternative tools to speed up the go-to-market strategy.

All competitive information is based on open source data and current market knowledge and is considered to be accurate However, if you find that the information is inaccurate or out of date, please contact us at so that we can make the necessary updates.

Zebrunner logo
Applications under test
Web, Mobile
Web, API, Mobile
Web, API, Mobile
Mobile, Web, API
Web, Mobile
Mobile, Web, API
Available browser versions
All the latest versions
In-cloud & on-premises
In-cloud & on-premise
In-cloud & on-premise
In-cloud & on-premise
Provided platforms for parallel test execution
Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, simulators & emulators
Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, ​​virtual machines, simulators & emulators
Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, ​​virtual machines, simulators & emulators
Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, virtual machines, simulators & emulators
Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS
Max number of parallel threads
Unavailable information
AI/ML failure analysis
Automation Frameworks/ languages support
Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Hyperexecute, Playwright, Puppeteer, XCUITest, Espresso
Carina, TestNG, PyTest, Appium, JUnit, JUnit5, Cypress, NUnit, Playwright, WebdriverIO, Robot
Selenium, Appium, Cypress, TestCafe, Playwright, Puppeteer, XCUITest, Espresso
Appium, Selenium, Espresso, XCUITest, EarlGrey,TestNG, JUnit, Protractor, Nightwatch, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer
Appium, Selenium, XCUITest, Espresso, Cypress, Quantum
In-built codeless function.
No installation or frameworks are required.
Free plan available


- is a cloud-based testing platform designed to perform manual & automated cross-browser app testing against multiple browsers, operating systems & devices.

Free plan available
  • Automation cloud of more than 3000 real devices (desktop and mobile).
  • Online physical device cloud (IOS & Android) and virtual testing platform of emulators and simulators.
  • Parallel testing capability.
  • Integration with numerous programming languages and frameworks (including ​​Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Hyperexecute, Playwright, Puppeteer, XCUITest, and Espresso) as well as tools for continuous integration (e.g. Jenkins, Circle CI, GitLab CI, etc.).
  • Real-time console & execution logs (terminal & network logs, test run video, commands, and exceptions) are accessible in a single dashboard.
  • Automatic report generation.
  • The geolocation testing feature enables testing on 60+ country locations and regions.
  • Intuitive UI with a built-in development tool.
  • Basic test analytics capabilities.
  • Slower performance with on-premise setup.
  • Issues with the refund policy.


- is an advanced LambdaTest alternative. This toolkit is designed to provide prompt test feedback and detect bugs 10x faster with scalable infrastructure, test case management, AI/ML analysis, and advanced reporting.

14-day ​​free trial available
Flexible pricing
  • Scalable managed testing environment with the possibility to run thousands of tests on physical devices, browsers, and emulators in parallel.
  • High-speed test execution: Zebrunner Selenium Grid allows to run up to 1000 threads in less than 15 mins in its own Cloud or On-premise.
  • The flexible pricing (per hour). Pay only for the actual infrastructure time used.
  • Access to various Cloud Providers in Zebrunner: Zebrunner Selenium Grid, Zebrunner Device Farm, Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, LambdaTest, TestingBot.
  • AI/ML failure analysis. Detects the issues automatically and assigns them definite labels (infrastructure, business issues, location).
  • Root cause analysis with extensive artifacts (interactive video sessions, detailed logs, and screenshots).
  • Test history panel for easy detection of flaky tests.
  • Dozens of smart dashboards with various metrics. Allows to analyze in real-time pass rate, test coverage & ROI growth, submitted failures and other parameters via ready-to-use or customized widgets.
  • Several projects support in a single organization workspace.
  • Can be easily embedded into any workflow. Integrates with numerous 3d-party tools and frameworks makes the test cycle easier. It supports Carina, Pytest, TestNG,  NUnit, JUnit, JUnit5, Appium, Cypress, test automation frameworks. 
  • Appealing interface to interact with.
  • Helpful support team.
  • Lack of integration with no-code automation tools.
  • Complex tool for users without technical background.

Sauce Labs

- is a cloud-based web and mobile app automated testing platform for running tests on different browser platforms, operating systems, and device combinations.

28-day ​​free trial available
Custom plan feasible
  • Supports thousands of combinations of browsers and operating systems, including more than 200 of the latest emulators and simulators, and 2000 iOS and Android devices on their public clouds.
  • Extended debugging provides browser console logs and network calls to obtain insight into network requests and browser performance.
  • Multiple VMs running the tests in parallel.
  • NLP engine autonomously creates test cases, scripts, and data.
  • Low code automation with auto-discovery and auto-maintenance features enables the creation of end-to-end tests with no programming experience.
  • Integrations across all major CI/CD, issue tracking, observability, support, and team communication tools.
  • Session video recording & comprehensive reports with detailed logs and app metrics (CPU, memory, Wi-Fi, etc.) are automatically posted to JIRA, Slack, Trello, and other platforms.
  • Integrations with multiple programming languages and frameworks including ​​Selenium, Appium, Cypress, TestCafe, Playwright, Puppeteer, XCUITest, and Espresso.
  • High-level support & thorough documentation.
  • Needs improvement on test-level analytics provision.
  • Horizontal scaling of virtual machines is expensive.
  • Site UX needs updating.
  • More devices as well as device farms need to be added more often.
  • The delay between input and action could be refined.


- is another LambdaTest competitor. This is cloud-based cross-browser platform for testing applications on the latest browsers, operating systems, and real mobile devices. 

Free trial with a limited number of minutes
Custom plan feasible
  • Access to 3000+ real devices (even the rarer) and browsers.
  • Real browsers on real machines with media streaming, developer tools, and keyboard shortcuts as well as parallel rendering & geolocation feature.
  • Easy to set up and integrate into the delivery process.
  • Video recordings, automated screenshots of errors, text logs, console & network logs for debugging.
  • Ability to test websites hosted on internal dev and staging environments, or behind firewalls, with zero setups or configuration.
  • A handy tool from both end user as well as admin point of view.
  • Customer support is rather helpful.
  • Documentation is extensive and contains a lot of examples and details concerning the product, configuration & setup.
  • Slowdowns and lags appear when many users work simultaneously.
  • High pricing for small companies.
  • Linux & Ubuntu devices are not available for testing.
  • Insufficient number of devices for emulation the new operating systems.
  • Dev tools could work intermittently on old devices and systems.
  • Weak dashboard capabilities.


- is a cloud-based platform for web and mobile application testing against a wide range of platforms and devices with reporting and analytics capabilities.

14-day ​​free trial available
Custom plan feasible
  • Scalable automation with parallel testing capabilities on numerous devices, browsers operating systems via physical and virtual variants using Perfecto Test Lab.
  • For teams without technical background. They can automate complicated test scenarios with Perfecto scriptless features and BDD testing automation framework Quantum.
  • ML-powered tool with automatic tracking and classifying bugs.
  • Recorded video sessions, test logs, screenshots, reporting with dashboards & heatmaps are very useful for fixing the issues.
  • Flexible customer support with fast response.
  • Supports numerous test automation tools and frameworks.
  • Very easy to manage from an Administrator point, adding & swapping devices.
  • Latency issues with devices.
  • No monitoring when the device is faulty.
  • Device reservation and delete reservation process is quite complex.
  • There is no support for on-premises instances (eg. JIRA) as well as support for Android for ADA testing.


- is a LambdaTest alternative with a free plan available. It is a unified cloud-based test automation platform for web, mobile applications, and API services, offering execution environments and reporting capabilities.

Free plan available
Custom plan feasible
  • Allows to execute tests in the local browser or device as well as run across 800+ browsers and 2000+ devices on the cloud-based test lab.
  • Supports parallel test executions.
  • Object spy lets users customize the browser extension to capture specific elements to create stable test cases.
  • AI automatically resolves broken test scripts, heals changing elements as well as offers fixes for test failures.
  • Ability to automate the test cases without programming efforts via NLP.
  • Built-in support for CI/CD and cloud execution.
  • Integrations with collaboration tools, bug tracking tools, project management tools, cloud-based test labs, and APIs to integrate with other custom tools.
  • Easy to setup and use the tool.
  • Responsive customer support.
  • It takes time to load web pages when adding steps.
  • Inability to share test cases between projects.
  • Testcase management could be more detailed.


- is a cloud-hosted platform designed to perform manual & automated testing of websites, mobile, and web applications via a large grid of browsers and physical devices.

Free 28-day trial
Custom plan feasible
  • Access to 3800+ browsers with real devices (iOS and Android).
  • Test execution on various operating systems (Windows, Linux, and macOS) as well as physical devices (iOS and Android).
  • Codeless automation and parallel testing are available.
  • Supports Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Playwright, and Puppeteer test automation frameworks.
  • Integrates with various services, including popular CI systems like Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo, Azure DevOps, Travis CI, Circle CI, and others.
  • Secure tunnel for testing code locally.
  • Very easy to use, intuitive, and well organized.
  • Slow connection when doing manual testing.

SmartBear BitBar

- is a cloud-based mobile and web app testing tool that lets to perform manual and automated testing against desktop browsers and real devices.

Free 14-day trial
Custom pricing
  • Access to thousands of real browsers (Windows, macOS and Linux) and devices (iOS and Android).
  • Parallel test execution.
  • Seamless integration with current tech stack or CI/CD pipeline.
  • Automatic device cleanup procedures between every session in the public cloud.
  • Multiple generations of screenshots of the same interface from different devices, operating systems, and browsers at once.
  • Possibility to run visual comparisons of the same web page on the same browser or mobile device from a previous test session.
  • The interface is straightforward and easy to use even for a person with no experience.
  • The pricing structure is overcomplicated.
  • Slow performance.


- is the platform combining cloud-hosted and on-prem global device infrastructure, test automation & analytics for mobile, web, audio & video apps.

Free trial available
Custom pricing
  • Enables testing with thousands of devices in hundreds of locations on the real carrier and WiFi networks around the globe. No SDK is required. 
  • Devices come with a sim card that helps to perform authentication-based testing with ease.
  • Supports the testing of PWAs on different browsers and platforms as well as test localization.
  • Always up to date with the latest version of browsers.
  • Ability to record and playback user sessions.
  • Supports all testing frameworks. Integrates easily into CI/CD workflows.
  • Bug reporting feature makes it easy to track down and resolve errors in the code.
  • The customer support team is very helpful and responsive.
  • Guided documentation.
  • Expensive for small companies.
  • Absence of API testing.
  • AI-based test analytics could be improved.
  • Network latency issues.
  • Slow adding of the latest devices.

AWS Device Farm

- is a solution for testing web and mobile apps across various desktop browsers & mobile devices.

The first 1000 minutes are free
  • A wide range of desktop browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox) and real mobile devices hosted in the AWS Cloud.
  • Supports parallel execution.
  • Ability to configure location, language, network connection, application data, and install prerequisite apps to simulate real-world customer conditions.
  • Videos, logs, and performance data to quickly identify bugs.
  • Remote access: the ability to gesture, swipe, and interact with devices in real-time, directly from the web browser.
  • Service plugins and API to automatically initiate tests and get results from IDEs and continuous integration environments like Android Studio and Jenkins.
  • Built-in frameworks to test the apps without the necessity to write or maintain test scripts as well as the support of the latest automation frameworks.
  • Clean design; organized, and easy-to-use.
  • Pay-as-you-go option.
  • Loading issues regardless of the own bandwidth.
  • Periodic malfunction or connection faults.