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Meet Zebrunner#

Welcome to Zebrunner documentation!

Zebrunner is Quality Assurance ecosystem that provides software solutions for test planning and execution. In addition to that, Zebrunner has its own browser and app testing cloud.

Testing platform allows you to design test documentation, plan milestones and distribute work among team members. Automation reporting module enables traceability between test cases and automated executions providing additional capabilities simplifying results review and analysis.

Managed and scalable execution infrastructure allows you to run your automated tests in parallel in a simulated or emulated environment, speed up testing cycle and give your development teams the feedback they need.

Zebrunner ecosystem consists of the following products:

  • Zebrunner Test Case Management
  • Zebrunner Automation Reporting
  • Zebrunner Testing Platform
  • Zebrunner Engine
  • Zebrunner CyServer
  • Zebrunner Device Farm
  • Carina Framework by Zebrunner

Zebrunner Ecosystem

You do not have to use all of them at once and can only pick the ones you need, since all the products are easily configurable and interchangeable with solutions by another vendors.

This documentation focuses mostly on the concepts and functionality available via Testing Plarform and provides guides explaining how to connect the test framework you use to the Platform.

Carina documentation can be found here.

For more information on Selenium Grid and Device Farm, please contact us at