Product update digest October 2023: Jira issue preview and other new features

Anton Bravin
Updated on
Jun 21, 2024
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Jira issue preview

Zebrunner has enhanced its connection with Jira. Now, the issue preview function is available. This capability allows users to examine issue previews directly within our software, including pivotal details such as summary, description, current status, assignee, and priority.

Filter automation launches by labels

Working with test results is now much easier, thanks to this feature. The enhancement allows users to filter by either the label key or the entire key-value pair, making the process more convenient.

Transferring test cases between projects

This feature enhances test case management by providing the ability to clone and move test cases between projects. Thus, users reach greater flexibility in their test case management. You can select the transfer type (clone or move), choose a target project, and select the test cases for the transfer.

Bulk change action: Delete

In addition to the previous feature, users also can perform bulk deletions of test cases.

New test case field type: Multi-select

With our software, users can create custom fields for test cases. Now, it is also possible to choose the multi-select attribute and define allowed values for this. The multi-select feature is available starting from the Professional pricing plan and higher.

Search and filter test runs

Zebrunner improves test run management by adding the ability to search and filter test runs. Users can now search runs by name and filter them by milestones, environments, and creation dates.

Display information for deleted cases

The visibility of deleted test cases in the trash bin has been enhanced. Now users can see information about when and by whom the test cases were deleted. This update improves the trash bin's usability and provides more context about deleted cases.

About the author

Anton Bravin

Product Marketing Manager

8 years on a mission to bridge the gap between cutting-edge products and the audiences who need them most. Anton speaks the languages of developers and customers, allowing him to craft compelling narratives showcasing true value.