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Dashboard is a collection of widgets with main analytical info on your launch results.

Widgets are graphical control elements that analyze your automation test results, provide detailed test execution statistics and other important data. Widgets can be added to a dashboard from templates, allowing you to customize the widgets with the help of different filters (e.g. you can add a widget with pass rate for Chrome browser only based on statistics for 30 days).

Sample dashboard

Dashboard types#

There are 2 types of dashboards in Zebrunner:

System (default) dashboards
System dashboards are automatically added to each project, contain the basic widgets with info on your test project status and cannot be deleted or edited. General dashboard is available from the Dashboards, while Personal and Failure analysis dashboards can be accesses through the General one.
User-defined (custom) dashboards
Custom dashboards can be created manually and filled in with a set of widgets that can be configured from templates with multiple filters.

Widget types#

There are 3 main types of widgets illustrating different aspects of testing: automation results, root cause analysis and engineering performance widgets.

Automation results widgets

Automation results widgets display the pass rate trends for a selected period, e.g. how many passed, failed, skipped, aborted tests or tests with known issues were detected by the system.

Automation results widgets

Root cause analysis widgets

Root cause analysis provide quick access to identified failures grouped by reason and known issues if there were any.

Failure attributes like the number of failures with the same reason, ‘Since’ date (when the failure appeared the first time) and ‘Repro’ date (when the last failure was discovered) help to prioritize the bugs and focus on the ones that need most of the tester’s attention.

Root cause analysis widgets

Engineering performance widgets

Engineering performance widgets allow project managers to track the project ROI, and personal statistics per each user (e.g. how many bugs were detected).

Engineering performance widgets

Working with dashboards#

All the dashboards within the chosen project can be managed from Dashboards (can be accessed via navigation sidebar).


You need to be a project Administrator/Manager or Admin of the workspace to have the ability to manage dashboards.

Creating a dashboard#

To add a new dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Access Dashboards via navigation sidebar
  2. Click +Dashboard button
  3. Enter the name of the new dashboard
  4. Click Create button

Creating a dashboard

Right after that, you’ll be redirected to the newly created dashboard. You can add widgets now.

Renaming a dashboard#

To rename a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Access Dashboards via navigation sidebar
  2. Click Edit button to the right of the dashboard you’d like to edit
  3. Change the dashboard name
  4. Click Save button

Renaming a dashboard

You can also perform this action while being on the needed dashboard. Just click Edit in the top right corner of the page and provide a new dashboard name.

Deleting a dashboard#

To delete a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Access Dashboards via navigation sidebar
  2. Click Delete button to the right of the dashboard you’d like to delete
  3. Click Delete button

Deleting a dashboard


You cannot delete system dashboards.

Working with widgets#

You can create and manage widgets on every dashboard except for the system ones.


You need to be a project Administrator/Manager or Admin of the workspace to have the ability to manage widgets.

Creating a widget#

To add a new widget to a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard where you’d like to add a widget
  2. Click +Widget in the top right corner of the dashboard
  3. Select the needed widget
  4. Click Next button
  5. Choose the period for the widget to display
  6. Click Refresh button
  7. Click Next button
  8. Enter the name and description of the future widget
  9. Click Add button

Creating a widget

The created widget will be added to the dashboard. You can then resize it or change its location on the dashboard.

Editing a widget#

To edit a widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard with a widget
  2. Click More Options button in the upper right corner of the widget
  3. Select Edit widget option
  4. Apply the necessary changes to the widget
  5. Click Next button
  6. Click Save button

Editing a widget

Positioning widgets#

While managing a dashboard, you may want to resize a widget or change its location on a dashboard.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard with a widget
  2. Click Widget positioning icon in the upper right corner of the page
  3. To change the widget size, hover over the widget. The system will show resizing arrows. Grab the arrow and move it until you reach the desired width and height of the widget
  4. To change the widget location, drag and drop a widget to the needed position. When you move the widget to the area with enough space, the system marks this place with a dotted line
  5. Press Apply button

Positioning a widget

Deleting a widget#

To remove a widget from a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard with a widget
  2. Click More Options button in the upper right corner of a widget
  3. Select Delete option

The widget will be removed from the dashboard, but the information will not be lost. You can create a new widget with the same configurations anytime.

Deleting a widget

Sharing reports#

Any workspace user can share dashboards and widgets by email in public projects. Any project member can do this in private projects.

Sharing a dashboard#

To send a dashboard by email, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard
  2. Click Send by email icon in the upper right corner of the page
  3. Enter recipient's emails (you can enter multiple at once) and a message (if needed)
  4. Click Send button

The email will be sent to the provided email address(es).

Sending a dashboard via email

Sending a dashboard via emails

Sharing a widget#

To send a widget by email, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the dashboard with a widget
  2. Click More Options button in the upper right corner of the widget
  3. Select Send by email option
  4. Enter recipient's emails (you can enter multiple at once) and a message (if needed)
  5. Click Send button

The email will be sent to the provided email address(es).

Sending a widget via email

Sending a widget via emails