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TestRail is a web-based test case management tool. It is used by testers, developers and team leads to manage, track, and organize software testing efforts. TestRail allows team members to enter test cases, organize test suites, execute test runs, and track their results, all from a modern and easy to use web interface.

For Automation Reporting distribution of Zebrunner, this integration allows users to:

  1. Link automated tests to test cases in TestRail (for more information about this functionality, refer to the documentation of your automation framework)
  2. Preview linked test cases in Zebrunner
  3. Push execution results to corresponding test cases in TestRail

Obtaining API Key#


Your TestRail account should have administrative permissions to perform steps described in this section


Zebrunner will perform requests to TestRail API on behalf of the user, whose username and API key where used for configuration. Make sure that user has sufficient read (to fetch test cases and test runs) and write (to push execution results) permissions within TestRail workspace for integration to work correctly.

The following steps need to be completed to configure TestRail integration:

  1. Log in to your TestRail workspace
  2. Go to the Administration view and select the Site Settings section
  3. Make sure that the Enable API checkbox is checked


  4. Click on your username in the top right corner and click on the My Settings button


  5. Go to the API KEYS section and press the Add Key button


  6. Give the API key a name and click the + Generate Key button


  7. Copy the generated key, press the Add Key and the Save Setting buttons

Configuring integration#

The following steps need to be performed to add a TestRail integration:

  1. Navigate to SettingIntegrationsTestRail
  2. Click the Integration button
  3. Enter your TestRail hostname, username (or email) and API Key. It is possible to use password instead of the API Key, but this is not a recommended approach.
  4. Select the projects to add the integration to. For more information, refer to Selecting projects documentation
  5. (optional) Click the Test button to check connectivity
  6. Click the Save button
