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Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server that can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software.

For Automation Reporting distribution of Zebrunner, this integration allows users to:

  1. Launch tests in Jenkins environment via Zebrunner
  2. If reporting agent for the automation framework supports relaunches, relaunch tests that were originally executed in Jenkins
  3. View the Job parameters that were used when running the tests


It is allowed to have more than one Jenkins integration for one project. Hovewer, if multiple integrations for one project have the same URL, an arbitrary integration will be selected for communication with the Jenkins instance.

Obtaining API token#

  1. Log in to your Jenkins workspace
  2. Click the username icon
  3. Press the Configure button
  4. Find API Token section, click the Add new Token
  5. Enter its name and click the Generate
  6. Copy the generated token


Configuring integration#

The following steps need to be performed to add a Jenkins integration:

  1. Navigate to SettingIntegrationsJenkins
  2. Click the Integration button
  3. Enter your URL, username and API token
  4. Select the projects to add the integration to. For more information, refer to Selecting projects documentation
  5. (optional) Click the Test button to check connectivity
  6. Click the Save button
